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第二百四十五章 活着

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In the past, I might have assumed that most of it was true, but lately, more and more celebrities have been trying to fabricate fake lawyer's letters or other documents to confuse the public, and by doing so, they are avoiding their share of responsibility. I would call this current phenomenon the distortion of information on the internet.


Would you like to be a famous person in the news?


I don't want to be a celebrity who will often be recorded in the news, which means I won't have free time to myself and have to watch what I say and do all the time. Even though I've had great success, the influence and pressure of being a public figure is immense and I just want to be a normal person!



Do you prefer to save money or spend money?


Saving and spending money are both pleasurable things to do, but most of the time I prefer to see something I like better, save for it, and then spend it when the amount reaches a standard! It's a satisfying feeling from the inside out, not only because you're getting what you want, but also because you're experiencing a sense of fulfilment as you gradually reach your goal.


How do you save money?


I've seen people online who take their entire salary out of their bank card and turn it into cash, and then put it into different bags to differentiate between the money they need to spend and the money they need to save. Personally, all I need to do to save money is to transfer some of it from my WeChat wallet to a card that I don't normally use.



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最近更新这么会自我攻略,你不要命啦? 孙山表哥何书锦的科举路 金锁链,银锁链,送给老婆 空降虫族:我是预言家! 跌落泥尘 快穿之撩不动你,算我输! 震惊,奸相他是将军的白月光 在银魂以一人之力挑战整个世界 实教:D班开局,没有一点上进心 哈利波特之爱莉 四合院之大梦我先觉 宿敌就是宿敌,怎么能变成你老婆 郑律成传奇 惹哭总裁后,全家求她做主母 斩神:我用幻麟星云斩神明 总裁的私人医生:偏执爱恋84天 崩坏:崭新的未来 拯救精神病学弟 病弱美人撒娇流泪,老婆心碎碎! 影帝的小公举 
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